Get involved Volunteer 60 seconds with Gerry McCanny Gerry McCanny is a Reading Friends volunteer at Owen Mor Care Centre, which specialises in caring for people who live with dementia. Gerry has a 1:1 Reading Friends session and also co-leads a group at the centre. What is your favourite thing about Reading Friends? I like to see the people’s reactions and sometimes seeing a new glimmer of excitement maybe from somebody who hasn’t shown any interest before. Why did you get involved with Reading Friends? I was involved in another voluntary group which folded and then I wanted to continue doing something on a voluntary basis. I’d heard then about Reading Friends and I thought, well it sounds very interesting because I do like reading myself and books and poetry. I came to do the training and it fell into place from there. What is the best book you have ever read? The only book that I’ve read more than once is The Bogman by Walter Macken, and I’ve read it three times, so it must be my favourite. What is the one thing you couldn’t live without? What a question! Thing as opposed to a person? I’ll have to say my wife and books. And music. Oh, that’s three things isn’t it? What place do you think is a hidden gem? I would say the River Faughan, at Goshaden, which is near where I live. Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us I’ve been learning guitar. And Italian. Not Italian guitar. That’s quite surprising