Arts Council of Northern Ireland The Arts Council of Northern Ireland funds both Verbal core and Verbal programming Expand We are grateful for the support of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is the main support of arts organisations and artists, distributing funding on behalf of the Exchequer and on behalf of the National Lottery.
BBC Children in Need BBC Children in need funds our Reading Rooms programme for children and young people Expand We are grateful for the support of BBC Children in Need Funder of our Reading Rooms programme for children and young people As the BBC's UK corporate charity, Children in Need awards grants to projects that focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged.
Cameron Grant Memorial Trust Cameron Grant Memorial Trust is supporting Verbal's project “Verbal Wellbeing”. Expand We are delighted to be supported by the Cameron Grant Memorial Trust for our Verbal Wellbeing project. The aim of our project is to enhance the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children in Northern Ireland through the innovative Verbal Wellbeing app. We recognize the critical need for emotional support and resilience-building in primary-age children and have developed a groundbreaking solution that integrates storytelling, psychology, and data.
CLEAR CLEAR is supporting our Verbal Wellbeing Programmes in the Western and Belfast areas for older people Expand We are grateful for the support of CLEAR for Verbal Wellbeing. This programme aims to promote positive mental health amongst older people in care homes, with a particular emphasis on overcoming loneliness, using bibliotherapy and storytelling as a therapeutic approach Community and voluntary organisations providing mental health, emotional wellbeing and suicide support services within the west of Northern Ireland: Derry, Limavady, Strabane, Omagh & Fermanagh areas.
Community Relations Council NI The Community Relations Council is helping to fund our upcoming AI Art workshops. Expand We are thankful to the Community Relations Council for supporting our upcoming events: World Book Day, and World Storytelling Day. These events have received support from the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council which aims to promote a pluralist society characterised by equity, respect for diversity, and recognition of interdependence. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Community Relations Council.
Cooperation and Working Together Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT) is supporting the delivery of a transition programme. Expand We are grateful for the support of CAWT for our Year7 Transition Programme, being delivered throughout Derry~Londonderry and Fermanagh. This is a bibliotherapeutic intervention programme which aims to boost the emotional wellbeing and resilience of young people.
Derry City & Strabane District Council The Verbal Arts Centre receives funding from Derry City & Strabane District Council Expand We are grateful for the support of Derry City & Strabane District Council Derry City & Strabane District Council recognises the contribution that our cultural venues can make to communities, the local economy, and wider policy priorities.
Dormant Accounts Funds NI Our Verbal Wellbeing (SaaS) project - Building a sustainable future - is being funded by the Dormant Accounts Fund NI. Expand We are delighted to receive funding from the Dormant Accounts Fund NI for our Verbal Wellbeing (SaaS) project - Building a sustainable future. This will hep us to raise awareness and increase the reach of our Verbal Wellbeing project throughout Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.
Foyle Foundation Foyle Foundation has helped to fund the Honest Ulsterman Magazine Archive Network (HUMAN) Expand We are grateful for the support of the Has helped towards further expanding the Honest Ulsterman Magazine Archive Network (HUMAN) and widening access to this resource.
LFT Charitable Trust The LFT Charitable Trust is funding our Creative Connections project – Shared Reading & Reminiscence Workshops. Expand We are grateful for the support received from the LFT Charitable Trust for our Creative Connections Project. This project will address the relative scarcity of psychotherapeutic interventions for early-stage dementia and will create a pilot programme that will be interrogated by our research and delivery teams, and will create a template that can be used again with future groups.
Public Health Agency We have worked with the Public Health Agency to bring Reading Rooms to community groups in Northern Ireland Expand We are grateful for the support of the Public Health Agency which has enabled community Reading Rooms HSA Public Health Agency is the major regional organisation for health protection and health and social wellbeing improvement. Our role also commits us to addressing the causes and associated inequalities of preventable ill-health and lack of wellbeing.
The Casey Trust The Casey Trust is supporting Verbal's project “Verbal Wellbeing”. Expand We are delighted that The Casey Trust is supporting our Verbal Wellbeing project. The aim of our project is to enhance the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children in Northern Ireland through the innovative Verbal Wellbeing app. We recognize the critical need for emotional support and resilience-building in primary-age children and have developed a groundbreaking solution that integrates storytelling, psychology, and data.
The Community Foundation The Community Foundation have supported a number of Verbal projects and programmes Expand We are grateful for the support of The Community Foundation Northern Ireland for funding a range of Verbal programmes including the following: Life Story Supporting Parents of Children with Autism: Care Needs and Educational Access
The Rayne Foundation The Rayne Foundation are helping us to fund our Behind Every Door project. Expand We are delighted to receive funding from The Rayne Foundation towards our Behind Every Doors project. This is a psychologically informed 12-week programme of storytelling which aims to reduce the strain on children who have a parent in prison, improve their wellbeing and strengthen the family bond.
Ulster Garden Villages Ulster Garden Villages is helping providing funding towards our BEST project (Building Emotional Strength through Stories). Expand We are grateful for the support received from Ulster Garden Villages towards our BEST project which is an early intervention programme aimed at improving the mental health and emotional well-being of children on the autism spectrum (ages 4 to 7) and their parents.