Maggie Smith said of her inability to write immediately after becoming a mother – ‘I remember feeling that the very temperature of my life had risen. There was nothing “cool” about motherhood. It was hot and raw. It was full of blood and shit and milk and tears. It was equal parts light and darkness. I didn’t know how to write that.’

How do we write that light and darkness?

This course will seek to look at mothering in a new light; allowing room for the many voices that make up the song of motherhood.


6 x 2hr online evening sessions

    Mother is one of the oldest words in existence. A word so old, so integral to the fact of our human being but still we are only beginning to understand it, make room for it to grow in the ways it is begging us to. 

    This course will span centuries, landmasses and experiences - ranging from the representation of mothers across a wide scope of literature; through the demands placed on creative mothers; touching on biology of the mothering person; right up to how to use social media as a tool for journaling through the busy early years of motherhood. 


      Together we will explore what it means to journey through matrescence - the process of becoming a mother - at such an interesting moment in our human experience.

      By the end of this course we will have a heightened sense of the myriad layers of both mothering and motherhood. 

      We will come away having closely read a wide range of texts that explore motherhood and help us consider our place within this canon and society, allowing us to give voice to our own lived realities. 

      During our time together we will have examined care-giving as a revolutionary, universal, mindful path. You will come away with a set of small changes to weave into your days that will help you carve room for your own creativity. 


      Kerri ní Dochartaigh’s first book, Thin Places, was published in Spring 2021, for which she was awarded the Butler Literary award 2022, and highly commended for the Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing 2021. Her second book, Cacophony of Bone, was published in May 2023. 

      Kerri lives in the West of Ireland with her Family 

      TO BOOK

      Cost of course is £120 to book