About the Project

Listen Share Change was a partnership between Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Verbal. A four year Peace IV-funded project running until 2022, bringing communities together with shared reading and conversation.

The aim of EU Peace IV funded projects was to underline the EU's commitment to peace and stability in the region. Our aim was to build positive relations between people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. To find out more about the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) you can visit their website here

Listen Share Change used the Reading Rooms model to address the needs of Housing Executive tenants across Northern Ireland. We have worked with over 50 communities, over 350 participants and supported the creation of a network of 45 Neighbourhood Champions.

By listening, laughing and sharing stories together people will feel a closer part of their community and more able to influence change. They will become a key part of decisions and a force for good in the way different community perceive and interact with each other.

The aim was to build positive relations through stories, conversation and shared experience between people from all different backgrounds.